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Optimize the acquisition,integration and analysis of geospatial data

Âncora 1

Digital Rural specializes in tailored GIS services and solutions!

Specialized Geoprocessing Services  
Remote Sensing WebGIS Application Development

Our services are designed around your specific needs, taking full advantage of the capabilities of the ArcGIS system.


Preparation of data collection flows

with ArcGIS apps

Survey123 | Fields Maps | Quick Capture | App Studio | Power Automate 

Custom Geospatial Analytics 

| Biomass Indices | 

Identification of Cylmatic Risks| 

Creating and Configuring WebGIS Applications with ArcGIS

Geospatial analysis with multispectral imaging and custom functionality.

Thematic mapping

GIS has changed the way companies think and act. 

Geographic information can be expressed in many ways
different with GIS.

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Meet the challenge of collecting data in the field. Assess and notify the status of your assets based on location.

Map field surveys and understand how production performance is being affected.

Assess  and locate any damage  in production for quick intervention.

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Identify bottlenecks in field inspection flows. Keep control and approach with the teams.

Check how your field teams are available and manage planned vs. performed activities.

Control inspection activities, and monitoringin loco from production. 

Integrate field data and GIS. Communicate analytical indicators of damage facing production.

Enjoy all the potential

of the location and a 

digitization of data surveys in  field. Communicate in an integrated and agile waythe situation of the productive system for all interested parties.

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Digital Rural uses all its expertise to understand its customers processes, and acts  with the purpose of providing knowledge to make the most of the potential of using Esri technology to create, manage, share and analyze geospatial data.

Our consultancy enables the practical use of GIS, based on the day-to-day reality of our customers. We identify practical applications, and new tools, in addition to what is already used and facilitate the retention of knowledge for new applications and data integration. 

We participate in the Esri Partner Network (EPN)   partner program as partners we have developed a proven set of value-added services and solutions that help our customers implement and optimize the use of the ArcGIS system in their organizations.  The ArcGIS system is fully applicable and aligned with the current and future vision of the business areas of companies that seek to add value with the GEOGRAPHIC APPROACH. 

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for contracting services or
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